2023 Exco and Committee Members
Chairperson - Francis Lau
Vice Chairperson - Edwin Quek
Secretary - Jolyn Ng
Secretary 2IC - Jessie Ker
Treasurer - Regina Low
Treasurer 2IC - Jolin Dang
Events Planner - Jolin Dang / Winnie Ngiam / Sky Lee / Junius Soh
Media Specialist - James Lee / Winston Teo
Lee Huei (Sec. 4/5 level rep.)
Sky Lee (Sec. 2 level rep.)
Christabel Goh (Sec. 3 level rep.)
Fiza (Sec. 1 level rep.)
2022 Exco and Committee Members
Chairperson - Kwang Sai Weng
Vice Chairperson - Francis
Vice Chairperson - Edwin Quek
Secretary - Jolyn
Secretary 2IC - Jessie Ker
Treasurer - Chong Mee Fong
Treasurer 2IC - Regina
IT and Comm. - Winston Teo
Photography Events - Johnny
Event Planner - Sky Lee and Jessie Ker
Level Rep
Sec 1 - Sky Lee
Sec 2 - Edwin Quek
Sec 3 - Lim Lee Huei / Francis
Sec 3 - Lim Lee Huei / Francis
Sec 4 - Norain / Kwang Sai Weng
Committee Members
Alvin Seah
Winnie Ngaim
Chui San
Chairperson - Soh Hock Heng, Junius
Vice Chairperson - Francis
Vice Chairperson - Kwang Sai Weng
Secretary - Jolyn / Chui San
Treasurer - Chong Mee Fong
IT and Comm. - Winston Teo
Photography Events - Johnny
Level Rep
Sec 1 - Lim Lee Huei / Junius
Sec 2 - Lim Lee Huei / Junius
Sec 3 - Norain / Junius
Sec 4 - Irene Yeo / Junius
Committee Members
Alvin Seah
Joan Wong
Winnie Ngaim
Joo Lim
2020 EXCO
Chairman - Kelvin Soh
Treasurer - Sindy Seow & Joan Wong
Secretary - Yoon Chui San
Project Manager - Junius Soh & Tony Loo
Project Coordinator -Roslee, Norain, Perssy Choo, Rose
Communication Coordinator -
Junius Soh & Norain ( Lower Sec)
Irene Yeo & Sindy Seow (Upper Sec)
Publicity Coordinator: Chui San & Alvin Seah
Father’s Wing - Alvin Seah & Roslee
2019 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Treasurer - Sindy
Secretary - Yoon Chui San
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Irene
Sec 3 - Sindy
Sec 4 & Alumni - Becky
2018 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Vice-Chairman - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Koh Liang Choo
Programme IC - Jackie Ng
Father's Wing IC - Delvin Khong
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Sindy
Sec 3 - Becky Yeo
Sec 4 & Alumni - Perssy Choo
2017 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Vice-Chairman - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Koh Liang Choo
Programme IC - Jackie Ng
Father's Wing IC - Delvin Khong
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Becky Yeo
Sec 3 - Yoon Chui San
Sec 4 & Alumni - Perssy Choo
2016 EXCO
EXCO Team Chairman - Ang Kwang Wei
Vice-Chairman - Eline Lim
Secretary - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Tan Peng Chian
Programme Manager - Priscilla Tan
Communication Officer - Fiona Seow
Father's Wing Lead - Alex Tham
Father's Wing 2IC - Delvin Khong
2015 EXCO
Team Chairman - Raymond Giam
Vice-Chairman - Wini Soo
Secretary - Lily Chan
Treasurer - Cecilia Nah
2014 EXCO
Team Chairman - Raymond Giam
Vice-Chairman - Wini Soo
Treasurer - Cecilia Nah
2012 EXCO
Chairman - Chua Seng Lee
Vice-Chairman - Lawrence Tan
Treasurer - Charlie Chia
Secretary - Lim Woon Cheng
IT - Sim HC
Program Executice - Roslinah
Member - Choo Hwee Koon
Member - Sharon Tan
Member - Jane Chua
Chairman - Kelvin Soh
Treasurer - Sindy Seow & Joan Wong
Secretary - Yoon Chui San
Project Manager - Junius Soh & Tony Loo
Project Coordinator -Roslee, Norain, Perssy Choo, Rose
Communication Coordinator -
Junius Soh & Norain ( Lower Sec)
Irene Yeo & Sindy Seow (Upper Sec)
Publicity Coordinator: Chui San & Alvin Seah
Father’s Wing - Alvin Seah & Roslee
2019 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Treasurer - Sindy
Secretary - Yoon Chui San
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Irene
Sec 3 - Sindy
Sec 4 & Alumni - Becky
2018 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Vice-Chairman - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Koh Liang Choo
Programme IC - Jackie Ng
Father's Wing IC - Delvin Khong
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Sindy
Sec 3 - Becky Yeo
Sec 4 & Alumni - Perssy Choo
2017 EXCO
Chairman - Alex Tham
Vice-Chairman - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Koh Liang Choo
Programme IC - Jackie Ng
Father's Wing IC - Delvin Khong
Level Reps:
Sec 1 - Nicole Tham
Sec 2 - Becky Yeo
Sec 3 - Yoon Chui San
Sec 4 & Alumni - Perssy Choo
2016 EXCO
EXCO Team Chairman - Ang Kwang Wei
Vice-Chairman - Eline Lim
Secretary - Cecilia Lim
Treasurer - Tan Peng Chian
Programme Manager - Priscilla Tan
Communication Officer - Fiona Seow
Father's Wing Lead - Alex Tham
Father's Wing 2IC - Delvin Khong
2015 EXCO
Team Chairman - Raymond Giam
Vice-Chairman - Wini Soo
Secretary - Lily Chan
Treasurer - Cecilia Nah
2014 EXCO
Team Chairman - Raymond Giam
Vice-Chairman - Wini Soo
Treasurer - Cecilia Nah
2012 EXCO
Chairman - Chua Seng Lee
Vice-Chairman - Lawrence Tan
Treasurer - Charlie Chia
Secretary - Lim Woon Cheng
IT - Sim HC
Program Executice - Roslinah
Member - Choo Hwee Koon
Member - Sharon Tan
Member - Jane Chua